2022 Cross Country Road Trip
2022 July and August Hyonmi and I took a cross country road trip. Our goal was get to the Pacific Ocean and back in about 30 days with a few stops along the way visiting family and friends and the country. We did it in 26 days.
Read about the inital trip plan and actual outcome. Look at the Final Trip Report for a link to each day, and see the Google Map Trip History that google made for us. I've also grouped each day's photogallery here.

Day 3 :: Chattanooga TN
DAY 3, Greenville SC to Chattanooga TN
Wednesday July 13, 2022
Left for Chattanooga Tennessee Wednesday morning. Settled into a routine, I go out early to gas up the car and get coffee and a donut or something else for breakfast, bring it back to the hotel and eat. Then we get ready and get on the road around 1000AM each day.

Day 9 :: The Rocky Mountains Colorodo
DAY 9, Dalhart TX to Grand Junction UT
Todays Goal: Get over the Rocky Mountains. Gonna be a long day.

Day 10 :: Moab and Utah
DAY 10, Grand Junction UT to Arches NatPark to Park City UT
Wednesday July 20, 2022
Woke up in Grand Junction CO, and today our goal is to get to Salt Lake City, UT. On paper that is a 300 mile trip and straight up non stop driving would be 5 hours. But we'll make a few stops.

Day 15 :: To the Pacific
DAY 15, Boise ID to Crescent City, CA
Monday July 25, 2022
What a great visit and party in Boise. Love you all, See you next year somewhere! Today need to get to the Pacific Ocean. Probably gonna 12 hours of driving (with breaks). Our route is basically route 84 North out of Boise and cross the Snake River into Ontario, Oregon. Then find our way south again on route 25 then 395 and then the Christmas Valley Highway, and

Day 20 :: Yellowstone National Park
DAY 20, Yellowstone National Park
Saturday July 30, 2022
Yellowstone by noon, left 600pm. Arrived Cody 830. Best ride.

Day 21 :: Mount Rushmore
DAY 21, Cody CO to Mount Rushmore
Sunday July 31, 2022
Left Cody for mt Rushmore. Didn't stop at Devil's tower, passed and on to rushmore. Arrived evening. Rocket Motel. Had Dinner on the verenda. Toured Rushmore. Saw light show. UUGHH

Day 22 :: More Crazy Horse and to the Badlands
DAY 22, Corn Palace
Sunday Aug 01, 2022
Checked out of hotel. Back up to Rushmore. First to the Crazy Horse. Wonderful. Then Rushmore.