Day 3 :: Chattanooga TN


DAY 3, Greenville SC to Chattanooga TN

Wednesday July 13, 2022

Left for Chattanooga Tennessee Wednesday morning. Settled into a routine, I go out early to gas up the car and get coffee and a donut or something else for breakfast, bring it back to the hotel and eat. Then we get ready and get on the road around 1000AM each day.

The scheduled visits for this leg include visiting Anne in Chattanooga, and then Brent at his sheep farm and creamery in Georgia just south of Chattanooga. Anne had out of town plans back in Philly, so we just hang out in Chattannoga on Wednesday and go see Brent on Thursday,

Started on the interstate down route 85 for the first couple hours towards Ashland, SC; then switched onto the back roads for the rest of the day coming out at La Fayette Georgia. Pretty much route 51 through rolling hills and forested or farm land into Gainsville Georgia and the sprawling Lake Lanier to Dawsonville. Then on to route 53 to Talking Rock and over 136 into LaFayette GA.

Coming down the mountains into LaFayette we passed FORT VILLANOW. Run down looking and no cars around, but it was time to stop anyway. Had no idea what the place was but the sign and shack out front suggested they may have boiled peanuts. A veteran showed up at the stand as we stood around. An older white haired bearded gentleman. Explained how COVID had kept the place pretty empty and closed but hopefully soon they get going again. And He DID have some peanuts for us. Tasty. So check out their website for the wonderful programs they offer for veterans and the community. It is fascinating. They really have a Scuba Diving training and certification facility behind them walls. WOW! We didn't check the site until days later, and sure enough it does say "A Veteran is on duty 24/7 Stop by for a delicious cup of hot Boiled Peanuts direct from Vidalia, Georgia !!!" Finished a few cigarettes and then got back in the car to LaFayette.

In LaFayette scoped out Brent's Sheep Farm and Creamery for our visit the next day, and then headed up to Chattanooga TN for the evening.

Went to take in the evening and sunset in Tennessee at Point Park on top of Lookout Mountain . Point Park is a ten acre memorial park that overlooks the Lookout Mountain Battlefield and the city of Chattanooga. The Civil War history and stories are amazing.
Our photos aren't that great, so here is a YouTube from someone else's great videography.

Hoo Hooo, we got in free using our national park senior pass.

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