Radio In English
This is the radio station I listen to most. It is mostly English language and a good mix of Korean music, English music, Talk, and learning English and Korean.

식기세척기 사용법 How to use a dishwasher
Had to go through the manual today to write instructions on using the dishwasher. I will give them to an American friend of ours.
식기세척기 사용법을 알기위해 메뉴얼을 뒤졋지요. 이것은 미국친구를 주기위해서 였답니다.

Tiow Italy 2008
Hyonmi and I were very lucky to have a chance to travel to ITALY this spring (2008). It was actually a group trip. The main part of the group goes back to our Thailand Days in the early 1980's. The group has grown over the years with spouses, loved ones, and friends of the original group. The trip was conceived by Anne and mostly developed by Pam and Paula.