2022 Cross Country Road Trip
2022 July and August Hyonmi and I took a cross country road trip. Our goal was get to the Pacific Ocean and back in about 30 days with a few stops along the way visiting family and friends and the country. We did it in 26 days.
Read about the inital trip plan and actual outcome. Look at the Final Trip Report for a link to each day, and see the Google Map Trip History that google made for us. I've also grouped each day's photogallery here.

Day 23 :: Going East, Nebraska, Iowa
DAY 23, Souix Falls, Statue of Dignity, Bridges of Madison County
Sunday Aug 02, 2022
Siux Falls a nice stop. Turned south. 2 hours to xxx then turned east onto 80. Statue of dignity Covered Bridges of Madison County. Roseman. Hotels full due to race track events. Found Hotel Finally in XXXX