Day 6 :: New Orleans

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Title: Day 6 :: New Orleans
Published:  2022-07-16 12:00
Reporttype: Daily
tag: xc2022, travel
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## DAY 6, Lake Ponchatarin, Garden District, French Quarter


### Saturday, July 16 2022

Finished the Beignets with hotel coffee.  Still good cold the morning after.  But way too  much powdered sugar. Morning walk with MORFY and saw the line for a local Beignets place. Wow, 40 people long, and take-out only.  Glad we got to try them last night!.  So today we wanted to drive across Lake Pontchartrain and go to the Garden District of New Orleans.   This is our second day/night here.

### Lake Pontchartrain
The “Causeway” is known as “The Longest Bridge in the World Over Water”.  About 24 miles one way. 
So, I wanted to drive across that one.  The weather was great and we could see the shores for most of the ride. 
You sit only about 40 feet above the water for almost the entire trip. When we got to the otherside, we fished.  
OK. We just dropped the hook into the lake, and then left.  But we did fish. Drove back the 24 miles.  There was a 5$ toll thid direction. WOW. That was the first toll we had since Maryland.

Take a look at this [great inf about lake pontchartrain](
And another for the battle for the [Guiness world record](

### Garden District
This is completely different architecturally and vibe than downtown New Orleans.  Could be a fancy town in the North East States. Peaceful and Vibrant at the same time.  Found a place for lunch and had a Shrimp Po Boy sandwich. Don’t miss walking around here.  Here’s a link to [someone else’s experience in the garden district](  Nicely written.
Then back to our hotel.  Around the corner was a seafood restaurant with “boil in bag” dinners. We got one and took it back to the hotel to eat.  A cooked bag of snow crab legs, lobster tail, and sausage, corn, potatoes, and the restaurant's custom spices.  100 bucks, not much food,  But good.  Spice mix was different from a typical east coast mix.

### Back on the town
I went out and Hyonmi stayed at hotel with Morfy.  A few places We hadn’t walked to yet, including Jackson Square and the  [St. Louis Cathedral]( and [Frenchmen Street]( 
Compared to Bourbon Street this area had few people, but enough to make it not seem deserted, but peaceful.  Continued all the way to frenchmen street.  Nice wider street, many clubs with live music.  Confined to just 3 or 4 blocks and many art type shops as well.  Music was nice from street.  Next time come to NOLA go to this street and skip Bourbon Street.  Walked back to the french market that was mostly closed by now, and took a pedal cab home.  Convenient and less than 20 bucks.

### Gallery

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DAY 6, Lake Ponchatarin, Garden District, French Quarter

Saturday, July 16 2022

Finished the Beignets with hotel coffee. Still good cold the morning after. But way too much powdered sugar. Morning walk with MORFY and saw the line for a local Beignets place. Wow, 40 people long, and take-out only. Glad we got to try them last night!. So today we wanted to drive across Lake Pontchartrain and go to the Garden District of New Orleans. This is our second day/night here.

Lake Pontchartrain

The “Causeway” is known as “The Longest Bridge in the World Over Water”. About 24 miles one way. So, I wanted to drive across that one. The weather was great and we could see the shores for most of the ride. You sit only about 40 feet above the water for almost the entire trip. When we got to the otherside, we fished.
OK. We just dropped the hook into the lake, and then left. But we did fish. Drove back the 24 miles. There was a 5$ toll thid direction. WOW. That was the first toll we had since Maryland.

Take a look at this great inf about lake pontchartrain. And another for the battle for the Guiness world record.

Garden District

This is completely different architecturally and vibe than downtown New Orleans. Could be a fancy town in the North East States. Peaceful and Vibrant at the same time. Found a place for lunch and had a Shrimp Po Boy sandwich. Don’t miss walking around here. Here’s a link to someone else’s experience in the garden district. Nicely written. Then back to our hotel. Around the corner was a seafood restaurant with “boil in bag” dinners. We got one and took it back to the hotel to eat. A cooked bag of snow crab legs, lobster tail, and sausage, corn, potatoes, and the restaurant's custom spices. 100 bucks, not much food, But good. Spice mix was different from a typical east coast mix.

Back on the town

I went out and Hyonmi stayed at hotel with Morfy. A few places We hadn’t walked to yet, including Jackson Square and the St. Louis Cathedral and Frenchmen Street. Compared to Bourbon Street this area had few people, but enough to make it not seem deserted, but peaceful. Continued all the way to frenchmen street. Nice wider street, many clubs with live music. Confined to just 3 or 4 blocks and many art type shops as well. Music was nice from street. Next time come to NOLA go to this street and skip Bourbon Street. Walked back to the french market that was mostly closed by now, and took a pedal cab home. Convenient and less than 20 bucks.

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