2013 May 27

Thinking Statistically

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Thinking Statistically by Uri Bram

This was an easy quick read. Read it complete on the train in two hours. If you ever had a statistics class, then read it. My statistics was so long ago, but the book was still easy to grasp. It is not a in depth review of mathematics of statistics, but puts the concepts back in your head.

2013 May 27  
2013 May 27

The Stone Monkey An Alternative, Chinese Scientific, Reality

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The Stone Monkey: An Alternative, Chinese-Scientific, Reality

Read this book back in 1982. Found an old copy this week. Will give it another shot.

The book seems to get a strange spectrum of reviews from love it to hate it. Can't seem to find much else about it online.

I do remember from 30 years ago being fascinated with some of the insights. The possibility that Cadillacs replaced dinosaurs, and other such imagery.

2013 May 27  
2013 May 27

PRAXIS Physics 0265

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I am using http://www.XAMonline.com to study the Physics 0265 content. So far just browsed through it. Looks interesting. Advantages of the book is the online content available and a sample test.

The book appears to be structured well around the Domains. Note there are no introductory notes, test taking skills or explanation of why the book is laid out the way it is. They just jump right into each of the domains.

2013 May 27  
2013 Apr 30

5 Minds For The Future

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I recently read "5 Minds for the Future" (Gardner, Howard. 5 Minds for the Future. Harvard Business Review Press 2008 ) by Howard Gardner. This page is just my notes and outline of ideas I read.

I see it as 5 types of Knowledge, Skills, Abilities, and Attitudes that he feels are essential in order for someone to be productive, in demand, and enjoy life. He calls these things "minds". The 5 minds he identifies are

2013 Apr 30  

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