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Burma Sahib
Burma Sahib (audio book)
This is another recommendation from my personal literary guru, Mary in Alabama.
From the GoodReads description:
Paul Theroux's 2024 Burma Sahib is a fictionalized account of George Orwell's life in British service in Burma in the 1920s, before his career as a writer, when the reluctant colonial police officer still was known only by his actual name of Eric Blair rather than his famous future pseudonym-to-be.
Kind of interesting. Fictional, but, kernels of truth. Narration seems a bit bland initially. Road tripping and a little to monotonic for the highway!
I don't know much about the real George Orwell. I'll see how I feel when I get to the end of it. In any case, here is an interesting review by someone who seems well read on George Orwell and Paul Theroux. Hope I didn't spoil my journey by peeking at this before I finish the book!
Note to self. Paul was a Peace Corps Volunteer in the 1960's in Africa. A different breed than us who served in the 1980s!
The Lincoln Highway (audio book)
Pretty Good Audio for road trip.
Great Ending wide open for the future.
Enjoyed this review
Midnight's Children
Midnight's Children (Audio Book)
Didn't know what t o expect. Loved it on Road Trip.
A Tale for the Time Being
A Tale for the Time Being (Audio Book)
A long one. Narrated by the Author; what a treat.
Cloud Cuckoo Land
Cloud Cuckoo Land (Audio Book)
published 09-08-2021
Cuckoo. Swapping narrators and years throughout. Spans ?? 100 years. Great Listen.
Doing Mathematics
Started reading this blog: Doing Mathematics by Bryan Meyer. The post there has an interesting link to his research and book. You can buy the book or read it online. He also has a link to pdf of a 1994 paper "Mathematics Teaching: Moving From Telling to Listening" by Brent A. Davis.