DAY 14, Boise ID Family Reunion
Sunday July 24, 2022
Went to Bill and Rich's house for the breakfast and catching up with folks who were awake. Got talked into trying some more "Pickle Ball" with some.
Later in the day, I did laundry at the hotel. Many of the folks took bike rides along the ...........
The evening was a wonderful italian pasta with SAUCE or GRAVY. YOu fight it out. But was wonderful sausage and meatballs and pasta and several accompanying dishes. Wine flowed freely all evening, some unathorized pole dancing was done.
The last RPCV activity was a game of JEOPARDY hosted by Mary and Bill. Mary is in the middle of downsizing and
wanted to gift her many items from Thailand; including clothes, beautiful fabrics, training materials and fun stuff.
Bill prepared a game of Jeapordy with custom questions related to our shared experiences over the past 40 years!
Person with the correct answer, got the gift. Sooooo much fun re-living some stories and learning a few new stories I hadn't heard.
Back to the Hotel to sleep it off and pack for tomorrow's route to the Pacific Ocean, 600 miles to cover tomorrow.
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