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Jump to Formatted Article Close Page Source View--- Title: Stories TitleNavigation: Stories Published: 2024-03-23 Layout: default LayoutNew: stories Children-Layout: item --- [selectpages orderby='published' order=descend template=urichip-summaryItems-image excerpts=true paginate=true count=10] Hopefully I can write more in the future.Jump to Top Page Source Close Page Source View
Mary and Anne
Mary and Anne
Somehow I ended up in China outside of Beijing at the "Ba-Da-Ling" section of the Great Wall on a tour bus with mostly retired Americans. The GREAT WALL was awesome and packed with tourists. Anyway, the lady behind me on the bus gets to talking and turns out she's 85 years old - looks 65 - and made it higher up the wall than I did. This doesn't bother me; I've been out done by many an old lady and respect them greatly. We chit-chat and she tells me her life synopsis in a soft staccato story.
I met Meg during my time as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Thailand, just after college, in 1983. For the first 3 months of our 2 year hitch we studied the THAI language together with Brian, Sheri, and Lisa and 2 language instructors; Ajaan Kannikar and Ajaan Tongchai. Who knows why we all ended up in the same group; I mean we did select each other, but we'd only known each other 2 days. It was kind of like choosing sides for kickball when you were a kid.
Hopefully I can write more in the future.