Pig's Feet 족발


Went to eat with the friends last night. The main course was Pig's leg ("trotter") called "Jok-Bal" 족발 in Korean.

Folks will tell you Jok-Bal is good for skin and preventing wrinkles. Mostly because due to the long cooking method, there is a lot of collagen in it. Like all things though, it is as much about the experience as the menu. You need to go to a place famous for the type of food you are choosing.

This time we went to a Jok Bal restaurant in Mapo (near the 궁중족발). There's is a Jok Bal Alley with several vendors in the alley. There's a map at the end of that webpage. Basically take Subway Line 5 or 6 to Gongdeok Station (공덕역) and use Exit 5. After that go straight forward and you'll see it.

Lot's of other stuff to see at Gongdaek Subway Station (공덕역)

Next time we will try the 족발 JokBal restaurants in our area

You can see more about this dish here.

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