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Fear of Crossing Bridges Opportunity
Stumbled upon this in the New York Times today. Fear of Crossing Bridges has its own word: Gephyrophobia. Fascinating read there on Gephyrophobia. The fear is real, so it seems like there is potential for a nice retirement hobby to assist those with the phobia. Drive them across the bridge. I think that would be a cool way to spend a few afternoons a week. Just have to find the right bridge.
Zero divided by Zero is
What is nothing divided by Nothing? Zero divided by Zero. Much has been written about this topic. Here are a few of my favorites:
- A. Khan Academy
- B. Physics Forum
- C. Know Your Meme
Sunset in September
Radio In English
This is the radio station I listen to most. It is mostly English language and a good mix of Korean music, English music, Talk, and learning English and Korean.
Tiow Italy 2008
Hyonmi and I were very lucky to have a chance to travel to ITALY this spring (2008). It was actually a group trip. The main part of the group goes back to our Thailand Days in the early 1980's. The group has grown over the years with spouses, loved ones, and friends of the original group. The trip was conceived by Anne and mostly developed by Pam and Paula.